Welcome to the LernBook community, in this article we will show you how to ask & clarify doubts within LernBook app.

Learning is not just limited to the classroom. The doubts module is a forum for students and teachers to collaborate across the program. It encapsulates the true essence of learning. Students can post a question and tag a teacher to whom the question is addressed. 

All the questions posted by peers and contributors can be viewed on the doubts module. Students & Teachers can filter the doubts by subject, status, and trending questions

You can select a question that you want to respond by selecting the tab. On the question page, you can type in your response in the reply field.

After typing in your response you can post it by tapping on the send button.

 You see a toast message once your answer is submitted.



Reporting/Flagging an inappropriate question

If you come across a question that violates the rules of the forum you can report the question.

You can select why you are reporting the question from the options.







Select the radio button and tap on the “Submit” button.

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

Description automatically generated

You will see a toast message once you successfully reported the question.

Do teachers also get to ask doubts or they can only clarify doubts ?