Welcome to the LernBook community, in this article we illustrate the steps involved in creating a group. The group feature is similar to a WhatsApp group, in this case, you can send messages, learning material to your student groups. 

The group feature is designed only for teachers. Students cannot create groups. The student group page has two tabs – Group & Students.

  1. Group – displays all the groups you created.
  2. Students – displays all the students in your school.

Create a Group

On the student group page, tap on the “Add Group” button on the bottom right-hand side of the screen to create a group. 

Enter the name of the group in the text box. Tap the “Add Students” button to add students to the group.


Add Students

You can “Select all” to add all the students or select students of your choice. 

Tap the “Save Group” button once you have added the students to the group

You will see a toast message on the successful creation of the group. The “Groups” tab now displays the new group you created.

Edit Groups

You can edit the group by tapping on the options button on the group card. You can add/remove students from the group.


Delete Groups

You can delete the group by tapping on the options button on the group card